So it's pretty much coming to an end and it kinda sucks. I was just experiencing the culture and just really appreciating our month. The spirit shouldnt just be on this day though. It should live through us all all three hundred and sixty five days of the year. We as a people have progressed a long way but we as a nation havent. We still have racism problems in this country that was supposed to end well before recent times. We as a nation have to forget about the past and learn to look on to a new future. I know the majority of you are wondering what I'm ranting about and saying this guy is crazy, but I want you to think about how many of you have all said a racist remark(verbally and non-verbally). It's happened to all of us(including me), I'm only human and it happens to the best of us. Am I right? I wouldn't lie to the people. I hope all who read this should feel proud that they are part of this country. American or not. I just feel like we need to get down to business. The answer to all my hispanic origin readers out there. We don't hate or dislike you. I'm speaking as a nation not a single person. What we dislike is the fact that the majority of illegal immigrants is that they're coming into our country. Stealing(not earning) our jobs, stealing our identities, making it so that a solution to a problem is to learn their language..(In America we speak English..In France they speak French, In Japan they speak Japenese,etc..) Would you want someone to do that to your country and expect you to change your ways. Do everything that your country has done for as long as your country has been a country and just shift it around? If your a human which I know that you are you really wouldnt. How do I know? Because when someone touches my computer and does something that I wouldnt necessarily approve of I go crazy. I go nuts. I might not have bad intentions to harm the person physically but mentally I'm a beast. Ask CoKo Lynn,she's been on that side a little too much(I'm Sorry). I just get like that with just about everything. All I'm trying to say is isn't it funny how the rate that's pouring into our country has stopped since we've been in a recession? Think about it. This isnt one of those oh this(excuse my language) nigga must be trynna hate on me and my siblings and what not and I'm sure the majority of my hispanic friends might stop reading or delete themselves from my friend list but hey the truth needs to come out. The truth hurts and I'm going to give it to you just the way I feel it needs to be out. In the words of an old friend "You don't bite your tongue with me, so why should I do the same". It's kinda funny but I mean hey yeah. I just really needed to get that out and thanks for all those who embrace. Be proud that your an african american on this day and all those other days. Oh yeah...I'll write another one tomorrow...You should check back in with me later....Until