Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Note To My Haters.

Why are you on my blog reading stuff that you obviously dont like? Don't you have anything better to do? If your reading these questions and answering "I don't know" to each one then you might as well click the X at the top right corner of the screen and find something better to do. This isn't a shot to any one of my "many" haters. Why act fake around someone else if all you want to do it keep it "Real"? I can't stand the fact that you feel that way but if I'm not getting in contact with you then that means one of two things in my book. 1) You really dont matter to me for any reason. I don't care what you do. Drama is for elementary kids and not even them more of the highschool things. So you should do yourself and the world a favor and GROW UP...That's the mature thing to do. However, the majority wont see what's wrong with it. Issues happen they get resolved so what your supposed to do next is move on and get over it..No it doesn't mean whine more and tell all your friends and all that bull shit you usually like to do. 2) Read number 1 and know I really dont care....

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